Luxury Daily is inviting nominations for the most prestigious luxury awards handed out annually: Luxury Marketer of the Year, Luxury Retailer of the Year, Luxury Publisher of the Year, Luxury Researcher of the Year and Luxury Personality of the Year.
The 2022 honors will acknowledge outstanding consumer-focused strategic, tactical and creative thinking by luxury brands, luxury retailers, luxury publishers and luxury-oriented researchers for work done in calendar year 2022. The winners will be announced in mid-December.
This year’s Luxury Marketer of the Year will have a tough act to follow. Last year Tiffany & Co. and Gucci shared the Luxury Marketer of the Year honor. Gucci bagged the Luxury Marketer of the Year award in 2020, repeating the feat of 2019. Burberry was named 2018 Luxury Marketer of the Year. Tiffany & Co. was 2017 Luxury Marketer of the Year. Gucci was 2016 Luxury Marketer of the Year. Giorgio Armani was 2015 Luxury Marketer of the Year and Louis Vuitton was 2014's winner. Chanel was 2013 Luxury Marketer of the Year, Cartier was the 2012 winner and Burberry the year before that.
Saks Fifth Avenue was named Luxury Retailer of the Year in 2021 after a similar win the previous year. In 2021, Saks Fifth Avenue won the Luxury Retailer of the Year title. Neiman Marcus Group took the top gong as Luxury Retailer of the Year in 2019. Nordstrom was named 2018 Luxury Retailer of the Year. Nordstrom was declared 2017 Luxury Retailer of the Year. Net-A-Porter and subsidiary Mr Porter shared honors as 2016 Luxury Retailer of the Year. Neiman Marcus was 2015 Retailer of the Year and Selfridges was 2014's winner. Harrods was named 2013's Luxury Retailer of the Year. Barneys New York was 2012 Luxury Retailer of the Year and Bergdorf Goodman the 2011 winner.
The nomination deadline is 5 p.m. ET (New York time) on Thursday, Dec. 8.
Criteria for Luxury Marketer of the Year
Nominations for Luxury Marketer of the Year require the following: a 500-word write-up in a Word document making the case for why the luxury brand’s advertising, marketing and media efforts for 2022 made it a candidate for the award.
The nomination document should include the brand’s strategic thinking for the year, tactics and campaigns deployed, execution and, if possible, the sharing of any results. The use of multichannel marketing is a plus.
Please include the chief marketing officer’s name and email and phone details for the executive or his or her PR person. The document should also have two quotes from the CMO, one on what drove marketing strategy in 2022 and, two, what challenge was the brand’s marketing meant to address in 2022.
Five high-res color jpegs (200dpi and up) and links to any videos showcasing the luxury brand’s best marketing for the year should be attached along with the Word document.
Previous years’ winners are eligible for the award.
Criteria for Luxury Retailer of the Year
Nominations for Luxury Retailer of the Year require the following: a 500-word write-up in a Word document making the case for why the luxury retailer’s advertising, marketing, media and retail efforts for 2022 made it a candidate for the award.
The nomination document should include the retailer’s strategic thinking for the year, tactics and campaigns deployed, execution and, if possible, the sharing of any results. The use of multichannel marketing and retailing is a plus.
Please include the chief marketing officer’s name and email and phone details for the executive or his or her PR person. The document should also have two quotes from the CMO, one on what drove marketing and retail strategy in 2022 and, two, what challenge was the brand’s marketing and retailing efforts meant to address in 2022.
Five high-res color jpegs (200dpi) and links to any videos showcasing the luxury retailer’s best marketing and retail outreach for the year should be attached along with the Word document.
Only companies in the primary business of luxury retail are eligible for this award. Previous years’ winners can enter for the award.
Criteria for Luxury Publisher of the Year
Nominations for Luxury Publisher of the Year require the following: a 500-word write-up in a Word document making the case for why the luxury media brand’s focus on luxury advertising and marketing for 2022 made it a candidate for the award.
The nomination document should include a minimum six examples of successful advertising and marketing campaigns for luxury brands and retailers, reflecting strategic and creative thinking for the year, tactics deployed, execution in media and, if possible, the sharing of any results. The use of multichannel advertising and marketing across print, online and mobile media is a plus.
Please include the publisher/chief revenue officer’s name, email and phone details for the executive or his or her PR person. The document should also have three quotes from the publisher, one on what drove the media house’s advertising and marketing strategy for the cited luxury brand and retailer clients in 2022; two, what challenge these advertising and marketing efforts meant to address in 2021; and, finally, how the media brand stayed true to its luxury publishing roots versus competition.
Three to six high-res color jpegs (200dpi) of ads and links to any videos showcasing the luxury-focused publisher’s best ads for the year should be attached along with the Word document.
Previous years’ winners are eligible for this award. Magazine and newspaper publishers are eligible to enter, as are digital-only media and multichannel publishers, the overall requirement being that they have to be entirely luxury-focused.
Criteria for Luxury Researcher of the Year
Nominations for Luxury Researcher of the Year require the following: a 500-word write-up in a Word document making the case for why the market researcher’s luxury research for 2022 made it a candidate for the award.
The nomination document should include the researcher’s strategic thinking for the year, with elaboration on the research undertaken to serve luxury marketers in their understanding of market, competitor and consumer behavior. For forward-looking research, proof of the forecasts’ vindication is welcome.
Please include the CEO’s name and email and phone details for the executive or his or her PR person. The document should also have two quotes from the CEO on what made the 2022 research to invaluable to luxury clients versus competitors’ studies and, two, how did the research help shape client or market decisions in 2022.
Links or PDFs to five pieces of luxury research for 2022 should be attached with the Word document.
Previous years’ winners are eligible for the award. Researchers focused on multichannel or digital marketing and media are also eligible to enter.
Criteria for Luxury Personality of the Year
Nominations for Luxury Personality of the Year require the following: a 500-word write-up in a Word document making the case for why the luxury brand executive or creative leader's actions and leadership in 2022 made it a candidate for the award. This award is open only to executives from luxury brands and luxury retailers.
The nomination document should include a description of the candidate's actions, with key examples of the strategic thinking and decision-making that made a difference this year for the luxury brand or company as well as the overall luxury business.
Please include the candidate's name, title, company and contact details, if possible, as well as the PR person's contact details. Also, please include two quotes from peers or direct reports on why the candidate is eligible for the Luxury Personality of the Year for 2022.
Links to articles or Web pages as proof of work should be included in the submission.
Previous years' winners are eligible for the award.
Who to send and by when
All emails with the 500-word nominating document, high-res color jpegs of creative executions or research PDFs or links to them should be send to Luxury Daily at
Please indicate the category submitted in the email’s subject headline by saying, for example, “2022 Luxury Marketer of the Year entry” or “2022 Luxury Publisher of the Year entry.”
The Luxury Daily editorial team will judge the submissions along with its own nominations from campaigns and marketing, retail and research work covered in the publication this year.
Entries will be judged purely on merit with the focus on outstanding strategy, tactics, creative, execution and results, if disclosed or known.
The nomination deadline is 5 p.m. ET (New York time) on Thursday, Dec. 8.